HB 0521 Regulation of Cranes
This issue has been before the legislature for several years
and finally passed in this session. It amends Section 489.113 of the Florida
Statutes to preempt any regulation of hoisting equipment, mobile cranes,
conveyors, and tower cranes used in construction. This prevents a patchwork of
different regulations by cities and counties. The effect is to make the recent
OSHA changes to the rules regulating crane operations as the single standard to
be followed. In addition, the prohibitions and preemptions include work site
regulations regarding hurricane preparedness or public safety.
Effective Date: April 2012
SB 1202 Construction
Liens and Bonds
Section 95.11 was amended to make it clear that payment
bonds under Section 255.05 and Chapter 713 as well as payment bonds under
Section 337.18 are subject to the one year statute of limitation established in
those sections. Payment bonds which are not subject to those sections also have
a one year statute of limitation under Section 95.11(5)(e).
For Section 255.05, this bill now:
- Requires that the bond number assigned by the surety be placed on the first page of the bond.
- Requires that the contractor, before commencing work, record the required statutory bond in the official records of the county where the project is located and provide the public entity contracting for the work a certified copy of the recorded bond. The public entity may not make any payments on the project until it receives the certified copy.
- Requires the governmental entity having charge of the work to provide a certified copy of the contract with the general contractor and the recorded bond upon the request of a claimant.
- Provides, for contracts entered into after October 1, 2012, that any limitation or expansion of the effective duration of the bond or any additional conditions precedent to the enforcement of a claim are unenforceable.
- Requires that the contractor or its attorney serve a Notice of Contest of Claim Against Payment Bond rather than the Clerk of Court.
- Changes the requirement that a Notice to Contractor be “delivered” to a requirement that it be “served.”
- Provides
that where the contractor records and furnishes the public entity with a
bond and written consent of surety,
the public entity may not condition payment on the production of a release
or waiver from a claimant. The surety may revoke its consent by serving
written notice on the public entity. This will apply only to contracts
entered into on or after October 1, 2012.
Section 255.0518 was
amended to:
- Require that sealed bids for construction work which include prices be opened in a public meeting and the name and amount of the bid must be announced at that time.
- Require a public entity to make available, upon request, the name of a bidder and amount of the bid.
For Chapter 713 Part
I, this bill:
Amends 713.10 – Liens on Leaseholds –
to make the prohibition of liens on a particular property effective for a
leasehold that has a lien prohibition even if some of the other leases on the
property do not have language prohibiting liens.
Amends 713.13 –
Notice of Commencement – to delete language in the Notice of Commencement
stating that the Notice of Commencement may not expire before the completion of
construction and final payment to the contractor.
Amends 713.132 –
Notice of Termination – to require service of the Notice of Termination only
upon those who have served a Notice to Owner or who have a direct contract with
the owner.
Amends 713.16 –
Demand for copy of contract and statements of account – to require that any
request for a sworn statement include a description of the property, the names
of the owner, contractor, and the lienor’s customer as set forth in the lienor’s
Notice to Owner or for a bonded job, the Notice to Contractor.
Amends 713.18 –
Manner of serving notices and other instruments – to add “common carrier
delivery service” and “global express guaranteed” to the methods of service and
deleting “overnight or second day delivery. It would allow posting of a notice
on a site only when other methods of service cannot be accomplished.
Amends 713.18 –
Manner of serving notices and other instruments – to provide that service of a
Notice to Owner or a Notice to Contractor is effective as of the date of
mailing if it is sent by one of the specified methods and is mailed within
forty days of commencing work and a log of the mailing is maintained.
Amends 713.18 –
Manner of serving notices and other instruments – to allow reformatting a bad
address in a Notice of Commencement and use of an address from the building
permit application if the address in the Notice of Commencement is bad.
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to provide that where a copy of the bond is not attached to the
recorded Notice of Commencement, the Notice to Contractor may be served up to
forty-five days after the lienor is served with a copy of the bond.
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to provide that a Notice
to Owner served on a contractor meets the requirement for a 45 day Notice to
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to clarify that a combined Notice to Owner and Notice to
Contractor may be used and makes minor changes to the statutory form of the
Notice to Contractor.
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to provide that where the bond is not recorded before
commencement of construction, the time for serving a Notice of Nonpayment may
be calculated, at the option of the lienor, as 90 days from final furnishing of
labor or material or 90 days after the
lienor is served with a copy of the bond.
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to allow a contractor to serve a Notice of Contest of Bond
rather than the current requirement that the Clerk serve it.
Amends 713.23 – Payment
bond – to provide that, for contracts entered into after October 1, 2012, any limitation or expansion of the effective
duration of the bond or any additional conditions precedent to the enforcement
of a claim are unenforceable.
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to require that the bond be attached to any Notice of Bond.
Amends 713.23 –
Payment bond – to allow a contractor to serve a Notice of Bond rather than the
current requirement that the Clerk serve it.
Effective Date:
October 1, 2012
HB 1013 Construction
A number of years ago, Florida
courts created a common law implied warranty for construction called the
Warranty of Habitability. This is similar to the implied Warranty of Fitness
and implied Warranty of Merchantability that is applicable to goods. The
implied part means that it exists as a matter of law as distinguished from a
written warranty. The Warranty of Habitability extends only to residential
improvements and only to the first purchaser. Several cases have addressed the
issue of how far the coverage of this warranty extends. They have held that the
warranty only extends to the home or other improvements immediately supporting
the home.
In a recent case, this warranty was extended to cover roads
and drainage systems that were part of the subdivision improvements where the
home in question was located. This Act creates Section 553.835 in the Florida
Building Codes section of the statutes and contains legislative findings that
this warranty should not extend to “off-site Improvements.” Off-site
improvements are defined as the street, road, driveway, sidewalk, drainage,
utilities or any other improvement or structure that is not located on or under
the lot except for improvements that are shared by two or more separately owned
structures that are attached, if such improvements affect the habitability of
one or more of the structures.
This act forbids any cause of action by the purchaser of a
home or a homeowners’ association for off-site improvements. This does not alter
any existing rights of purchasers of homes or homeowners’ associations to
pursue any other causes of action arising from defects on offsite improvements
based on contract, tort or statute including, but not limited to, Sections
718.203 and 719.203. This act is retroactive which means that it will apply to
any pending cases.
Effective Date: July
2, 2012
SB 704 Building Code
This is the glitch building code bill for the Session. It has the same language as SB 1202 requiring
local governments to publicly open and read bids. It also has the same language
as HB 387 allowing voluntary electronic filing of construction plans.
Among other things, this bill:
- Defines a “bedroom.”
- Allows transfer of permits for onsite sewage treatment along with title to the property; provides that an onsite sewage treatment system is not abandoned by disconnection caused by a disaster and that change to an onsite sewage treatment system is not required for a remodeling addition that does not add a bedroom.
- Requires use of an electrician for work on solar panels when the local government is participating in the Department of Energy Rooftop Solar Challenge.
- Adds skylights and related work to the scope of work of a roofing contractor.
- Allows Class A and Class B Air Conditioning Contractors and Mechanical Contractors to test and evaluate HVAC systems, but mandatory licensing is not established for these services.
- Deletes the provision for licensing glass and glazing contractors added last year. This language is also in HB887/SB 1252.
- Makes the contractor responsible for the work of an unlicensed subcontractor working under his license.
- Exempts reconstruction and repair of hunting cabins from the Building Code under certain conditions.
- Requires specific identification of reasons for denying or revoking a building permit.
- Sets up a work group to develop a rule for alternate design of screen enclosures to allow removal to accommodate high wind events.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
HB 887 Department of
Business and Professional Regulation
Up until 2005 there were provisions for registered
contractors to be grandfathered in to become certified contractors. It required a valid registered local license,
passing of a written exam substantially similar to the requirements of a
certified contractor, at least 5 years of experience as a contractor, no
license revocation or suspension and no fine in excess of $500.00 in the
previous 5 years and there is compliance with the insurance and financial
responsibilities set out in Section 489.115(5).
This has been effectively reenacted by moving the expiration date to
November 1, 2014.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
By: Christina L. Feyen, Esq.
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