Advice for your Essential Business during COVID-19

Advice for your Essential Business during COVID-19 The number of COVID-19 cases is continually rising in the United States. To stop the spread of the virus, the government has taken several measures. It includes the ‘nonessential businesses’ to be kept under shutters. Admittedly, it is challenging to draw the line between essential and nonessential businesses. That pharmacies and groceries are regarded as essential businesses that do not create any question or doubt in anyone. But what about the rest? The federal government agencies, however, are working relentlessly to provide support and guidance to the essential businesses that are remaining open. This article is written to make you aware of the advice that you need to follow to run your essential businesses. Federal agencies like the Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security and Cyber Security has issued guidance to both state and local ‘critical infrastruc...